Articulation Terms

Warning: This page is obsolete. I am retaining it for historical purposes. you can find the current Articulation terms here.

The 256 initial vocabulary terms in the Articulation layer (outer spokes) are presented below. These terms should be considered "example placeholders" for an eventual vocabulary that does not suffer from "idiomatic English interpretation". Use the game to see the current terms for each aspect of the glyph.

Each entry starts with the hexadecimal index and the types of the term separated by hash marks. The double hash mark (##) in the center of the types is intended to help visually distinguish the types of the passive (left or internal) spokes from the active (right or external) spokes. The rows of percent signs (%) are used to break the terms into groups of four for navigational purposes. "???" is used to indicate a missing term (or other problem).

These are the Articulation types with their tactical meanings (verb conjugation divisions are in parenthesis).

Parts of Speech

adj adjective
sep separator
vt verb, transitive
vi verb, intransitive
art article
prep preposition
conj conjunction

#00 # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
default - this allows Creation to shine through.
#01 # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
when -
#02 # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
apparently - (default for this level)
#03 # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
of -
#04 # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
for -
#05 # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
about -
#06 # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
as -
#07 # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
by -
#08 # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
each -
#09 # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
every -
#0A # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
all -This is actually all
#0B # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
some -
#0C # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
before -
#0D # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
then -
#0E # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
any -
#0F # -------- # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
such -
#10 # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
?? - glyph is questioned
#11 # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
yet -
#12 # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
because -
#13 # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
perhaps -
#14 # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
until -
#15 # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
while -
#16 # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
maybe -
#17 # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
with -
#18 # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
whether -
#19 # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
again -
#1A # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
except -
#1B # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
other -
#1C # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
rather -
#1D # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
till -
#1E # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
also -
#1F # -------- # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
seem -
#20 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
in -
#21 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
to -
#22 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
so -
#23 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
therefore -
#24 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
at -
#25 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
from -
#26 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
thus -
#27 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
through -
#28 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
into -
#29 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
where -
#2A # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
off -
#2B # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
on -
#2C # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
here -
#2D # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
around -
#2E # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
block start -
#2F # -------- # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
block end -
#30 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
plus -
#31 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
minus -
#32 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
but -
#33 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
and -
#34 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
multiply -
#35 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
divide -
#36 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
or -
#37 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
if -
#38 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
equal -
#39 # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
cross product -
#3A # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
then -
#3B # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
either -
#3C # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
??? -
#3D # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#3E # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
nor -
#3F # -------- # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
neither -
#40 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
next -
#41 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
previous -
#42 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
most -
#43 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
many -
#44 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
only -
#45 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
few -
#46 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
together -
#47 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
much -
#48 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
lone -
#49 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
some -
#4A # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
among -
#4B # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
inside -
#4C # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
now -
#4D # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#4E # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
??? -
#4F # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#50 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
after -
#51 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
before -
#52 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
shall -
#53 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
will -
#54 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
just -
#55 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#56 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
should -
#57 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
would -
#58 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
??? -
#59 # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#5A # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
could -
#5B # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
might -
#5C # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
??? -
#5D # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#5E # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
may -
#5F # -------- # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
must -
#60 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
there -
#61 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
over -
#62 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
quote start -
#63 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
quote end -
#64 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
up -
#65 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
above -
#66 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
??? -
#67 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#68 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
under -
#69 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
out -
#6A # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
??? -
#6B # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#6C # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
below -
#6D # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#6E # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
??? -
#6F # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#70 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
even -
#71 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
than -
#72 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
??? -
#73 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#74 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
less -
#75 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
greater -
#76 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
??? -
#77 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#78 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
??? -
#79 # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#7A # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
??? -
#7B # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#7C # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
??? -
#7D # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#7E # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
??? -
#7F # -------- # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#80 # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
the -
#81 # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
there -
#82 # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
a -
#83 # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#84 # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
this -
#85 # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
these -
#86 # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
who -
#87 # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
which -
#88 # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
that -
#89 # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
those -
#8A # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
what -
#8B # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
dependent -
#8C # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
I -
#8D # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
we -
#8E # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
composite -
#8F # Intention # -------- # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
subtype -
#90 # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
I am about to have - singular direct self near future once
#91 # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
I just did - singular direct self near past once
#92 # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
you are about to have - singular direct other near future once
#93 # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
you just did - singular direct other near past once
#94 # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
one is about to have - active indirect self near future once
#95 # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
one just did - active indirect self near past once
#96 # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
it is about to have - active indirect other near future once
#97 # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
it just did - active indirect other near past once
#98 # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ## ???? self / other
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
I will have - singular direct self far future once
#99 # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
I had been - singular direct other far future once
#9A # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
you will have - singular direct self far past once
#9B # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
you have been - singular direct other far past once
#9C # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
one will have - active indirect self far future once
#9D # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
one had been - active indirect self far past once
#9E # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
it will have - active indirect other far future once
#9F # Intention # -------- # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
it had been - active indirect other far past once
#A0 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
amplify previous glyph -
#A1 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
amplify next glyph -
#A2 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
determinant -
#A3 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
transform -
#A4 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
diminish previous glyph -
#A5 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
diminish next glyph -
#A6 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
pre-increment -
#A7 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
post-increment  -
#A8 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
??? -
#A9 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#AA # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
integral -
#AB # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
derivative -
#AC # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
??? -
#AD # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#AE # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
sine -
#AF # Intention # -------- # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
cosine -
#B0 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
I am about to - singular direct self near future many times
#B1 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
I am still - singular direct self near past many times
#B2 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
you are about to - singular direct other near future many times
#B3 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
you are still - singular direct other near past many times
#B4 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
one is about to - active indirect self near future many times
#B5 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
one is still - active indirect self near past many times
#B6 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
it is about to - active indirect other near future many times
#B7 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
it is still - active indirect other near past many times
#B8 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
I will - singular direct self far future many times
#B9 # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
I was - singular direct self far past many times
#BA # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
you will - singular direct other far future many times
#BB # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
you were - singular direct other far past many times
#BC # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
one will - active indirect self far future many times
#BD # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
one was - active indirect self far past many times
#BE # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
it will - active indirect other far future many times
#BF # Intention # -------- # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
it was - active indirect other far past many times
#C0 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
you -
#C1 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
y'all -
#C2 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
??? -
#C3 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#C4 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
it -
#C5 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
them -
#C6 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
??? -
#C7 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#C8 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
??? -
#C9 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#CA # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
??? -
#CB # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#CC # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
??? -
#CD # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#CE # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
??? -
#CF # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#D0 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
I am about to be - singular direct self near future once
#D1 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
I have just been - singular direct self near past once
#D2 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
you are about to be - singular direct other near future once
#D3 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
you have just been - singular direct other near past once
#D4 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
one is about to be - singular indirect self near future once
#D5 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
one has just been - singular indirect self near past once
#D6 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
it is about to be - singular indirect other near future once
#D7 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
it has just been - singular indirect other near past once
#D8 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
I will be - singular direct self far future once
#D9 # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
I just was - singular direct self far past once
#DA # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
you will be - singular direct other far future once
#DB # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
you just were - singular direct other far past once
#DC # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
one will be - singular indirect self far future once
#DD # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
one was - singular indirect self far past once
#DE # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
it will be - singular indirect other far future once
#DF # Intention # Interpretation # -------- # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
it was - singular indirect other far past once
#E0 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
tangent -
#E1 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#E2 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
??? -
#E3 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#E4 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
??? -
#E5 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#E6 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
??? -
#E7 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#E8 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
??? -
#E9 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#EA # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
??? -
#EB # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#EC # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
??? -
#ED # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
??? -
#EE # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
??? -
#EF # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # -------- ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
??? -
#F0 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # --------
I am being - singular direct self near future many times
#F1 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # -------- # Recollection
I was being - singular direct self near past many times
#F2 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # --------
you are being - singular direct other near future many times
#F3 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
you were being - singular direct other near past many times
#F4 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # --------
one is being - singular indirect self near future many times
#F5 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
one was being - singular indirect self near past many times
#F6 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
it is being -  singular indirect other near future many times
#F7 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           -------- # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
it was being - singular indirect other near past many times
#F8 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # --------
I will be - singular direct self far future many times
#F9 # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # -------- # Recollection
I was - singular direct self far past many times
#FA # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # --------
you will be - singular direct other far future many times
#FB # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # -------- # Recognition # Recollection
you were - singular direct other far past many times
#FC # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # --------
one will be - singular indirect self far future many times
#FD # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # -------- # Recollection
one was - singular indirect self far past many times
#FE # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # --------
it will be - singular indirect other far future many times
#FF # Intention # Interpretation # Depiction # Interrogation ##
           Extrapolation # Interpolation # Recognition # Recollection
it was - singular indirect other far past many times

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