How Instrumentation verbs work

In Instrumentation, verbs are designated with the Intention spoke from the Articulation layer. To 'verb' any noun, adjective or adverb, simply add the Intention and other spokes. If the noun is a 'non-descriptive' conversational phrase (that already contains a verb) or the term is an expletive, the Intention spoke adds emphasis, like an exclamation point would. The Design document shows the verb table here.  There is a summary of verb type by Articulation spoke here.

All 65 thousand Described nouns, adjectives and adverbs can be 'verbed'. Verbing gives us the following forms. Some forms may require clarification as to the intended action. The parenthesis show possible interpretations of the basic verb forms.

This tutorial shows some examples for the conjugation of a common verb using the game to provide the graphics. The blue or black spokes in the images below are the added spokes. The yellow or invisible spokes are not present.

FYI: Ideally, you should read this tutorial on a "full sized" device (like a personal computer) and follow along by duplicating the glyphs (on a hand-held device or using the game in a separate tab or window) for each example.

This is the Intention spoke all by itself. This is something someone might say in response to a question, "I will (do whatever you just asked)."

the Intention spoke

In the image below we see the singular active noun 'runner'. This could be used in an axiomatic sentence such as, "The fastest runner won the race". The entity form of this noun would be 'run' (as in "We had a good run"), but we are verbing the act (to do) and not the event (to be).

If you verb an event, you are speaking about a thing which is being a 'run'. "The race is run annually." If you (a person) want to be a runner, you must make 'runner' the object of the sentence rather than the verb ("I was a runner in the dark" not "I ran in the dark").

The singular active noun 'run'

This is the only image in this tutorial that shows the hint colors and octant types for the Creation layer.

All of the following glyphs in this tutorial show the octant types for the Articulation layer.

To form the default verb, we add the Intention spoke to the noun 'running'. The default for Instrumentation verbs is 'singular direct self' for person and 'far-future once' for tense. In English this would be, "I will run once".

The default verb form

Adding other spokes (as shown in the following examples) will change these six verb states (singular direct self far-future once) to their opposite states (plural indirect other near-past many-times). This first set of examples will show variations in the number and types of person. The list of potential persons is:

I singular direct self
author takes ownership of action(s)
you singular direct other
author directly addresses one listener
one singular indirect self
author does not take ownership
it singular indirect other
author refers to person or thing other than listener(s)
we (I plural) plural direct self
author assumes ownership of group consensus
y'all (you plural) plural direct other
author directly addresses listeners
many (one plural) plural indirect self
author reports (assumed?) group consensus
they (it plural) plural indirect other
author refers to people or things other than listener(s)

To change from 'singular direct self' to 'singular direct other', we add the Depiction spoke. Depiction implies verbatim (or precise) transfer of information. In English this would be, "you will run once".

singular direct other

To change from 'singular direct self' to 'singular indirect self', we add the Interrogation spoke. Interrogation implies a lack of knowledge or a lack of clarity. In English this would be, "One will run once". The author refers to an indeterminate person who might be unknown or intentionally unnamed (or the author in a self effacing or formal mode).

singular indirect self

To change from 'singular direct self' to 'plural direct self', we add the Extrapolation spoke. Extrapolation implies a projection of the actions of others (when used with verbs). In English this would be, "We will run once".

plural direct self

The other types of person are created with combinations of the spokes shown above.

For example, to change from 'singular direct self' to 'plural indirect self', we add the Interrogation and the Extrapolation spokes. In English this would be, "Many will run once".

plural indirect self

To change from 'singular direct self' to 'singular indirect other', we add the Interrogation and the Depiction spokes. In English this would be, "It will run once".

singular indirect other

That completes the examples of types of person. The remaining (three) types are left as exercises for the reader. We will now present types of verb tense.

will run once far-future once a statement of intent
will run repeatedly far-future many a statement of optimistic intent
ran once
far-past once been there, done that
ran many times
far-past many
not that I'm bragging
about to run once near-future once soon as my shoes are tied
about to run repeatedly near-future many just try to stop me
just ran once (just finished running)
near-past once but thanks for the offer
just ran many times (still running)
near-past many and I'm not stopping

The 'near-past once and near-future once' forms do not require that the action be absolutely singular, but just that the specified action is the focus of attention.  The 'far-past once and far-future once' forms do tend to imply that the action is or will be mostly singular (or that the author believes that no one knows about all those other times). The 'once' tenses may be substituted for the 'Perfect' tense in common usage, but they are not an exact translation.

The use of the near-past implies that the effect of an action is still being experienced. The death of a child may be a 'near' thing for years. Conversely, the far-past can be used to imply that an action has had little effect on the author, even if it happened in the preceding ten minutes. 

To change from 'far-future once' to 'near-future once' we add the Interpolation spoke. Interpolation Implies a finer subdivision of time. In English this would be, "I am about to run once". There is no absolute division between the near and far-future (the near-future could represent the next few days or even next year for a major event like a marriage), but use of near-future implies that the author is currently preparing to perform the act in question.

near future once

To change from 'far-future once' to 'far-future many times' we add the Recognition spoke. Recognition implies awareness of multiple similar actions. In English this would be, "I will run more than once"or "I will run many times".

far future many times

To change from 'far-future once' to 'far-past once' we add the Recollection spoke. Recollection implies that the action has already occurred and is being remembered. In English this would be, "I ran once".

far past once

The other types of tense are created with combinations of the spokes shown above

For example, to change from 'far-future once' to 'near-past ongoing' we add the Interpolation, Recognition and Recollection spokes. In English this would be, "I (still) run" or "I am running". This is also the closest thing that Instrumentation has to a present tense.

Instrumentation is intended to be used by people who are nowhere near one another, so 'now' must be considered to be a very fuzzy concept. The 'now' of the person sending a message is almost guaranteed to be 'the past' to the person receiving the message. For this reason, Instrumentation represents the present verb tense as a continuation of the near-past.

near past ongoing

In summation, here are the spokes and their effects on verbs:

Absent Present
depiction self
interrogation direct
extrapolation singular
interpolation far
recognition once
many times
recollection future

And here is the same information in visual form.

The verb's eye view of the
                    outer spokes

This completes our tutorial on verb forms.

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