Hypodescriptive terms


This is still very speculative. I will need to let this block 'bake' for quite a while because of the importance and potential of the terms. I don't want an initial vocabulary that's worse than it needs to be.

Even after I am completely satisfied, this block will still be very speculative. User feedback will be required to find the best use for all parts of this term space.

Caution: These terms are (mostly) not part of the actual vocabulary yet. I will add a tutorial when they become 'real'.

The Truest of Dirt

The bottommost block (of 255 terms) of the Description layer describes the Created terms 'true' and 'false' (or 'on' and 'off'). These terms do not actually have any Creation Spokes. This means that the two lowest digits of the Instrumentation index for these terms will both be zeros. Since a 'zeroed' layer of a glyph can be completely ignored when using a chorded keyboard, (or when speaking the index) these terms can be used as an abbreviated, simple or 'express' set of terms.

This block follows completely different rules than the rest of the Description layer.

Honestly, this aberration makes ever so much more sense that trying to use this valuable virtual real estate to actually 'Describe' the abstract concepts 'true' and 'false' for the purposes of casual conversation. Complexity is the cost of customization.

The 'standard' Description laths break down as follows:

External Descriptions

Internal Description We will be using these default Types until I think of something that I like better.

Articulating your Hypodescription

These Hypodescriptive terms can be combined with Articulation terms and the plug to create a range of meanings. The Creation and Specialization layers must remain at #00. Negation (unplugging) reverses the meaning of the Hypodescriptive term, not the Articulation term



#-0A00 (negative) happy NOT (can always replace happy)
#0A00 happy
#020A00 happy now
#1B0A00 happy influenced by
#240A00 happy inside
#2A0A00 happy above
#290A00 happy below
#C90A00 happy your

This helps to optimize use of the address space.

The tables and sub-tables (or banks) are arranged as follows:

The terms are organized into four tables, each containing four sub-tables which consist of sixteen cells. Each cell contains a term, a command or a link depending on usage.  The headings before the four tables below and the (unique) element combinations that define each sub-table's purpose show the Internal divisions. The four dark rows within each table separate the the sub-categories or banks and contain the (repeating) four External element combinations that define the meaning of each individual cell.

This design only shows positive terms. Negative terms would be the opposite of each 'passive' term listed below. If the term is 'active', the negative form will invoke the function or be used to capture the state or current Value.

The 'Feelings' sub-table is the default because those are the sentements most likely to be expressed by a small child.

'Feelings'  contains the "Left Hand Only" indices (#0[0-F]00). The "Right Hand Only" indices are the first (#[0-F]000) terms in each sub-table. Notice also that '5' and 'D' are the most awkward finger combinations so they are used for less critical events (ideally).

The first table does not have either the Dimension or Action Types. This table contains terms related to the first sounds made by a child. These might actually be the first things that a child will learn after a few passive nouns.

The 'Feelings' sub-table consists entirely of one syllable terms.

The 'Feelings' sub-table has been shrunken to a 3 X 3 array of graduated feelings for a small child. terms #0100, #0200 and #0300 would normally be questions to the small child. The child could reply with a specific term from the matching column or with the generic terms #0400, #0800 or #0C00.

The generic terms fall between the specific terms as far as the intensity of the feeling goes. For example, the physical sensations in order from worst to best are:

The 'Animal Noise' sub-table should reference local animals. 'Livestock' may stand for cow, lama. musk ox, etc. I have no idea why this is important, but "good parents" teach their children about animal noises.

Any term can be made into a question by adding the '??' (#10[00-FF][00-FF]) Articulation spoke. The term #1060A6 would be the question, "dogs??". This could appear anywhere in a sentence such as, "dogs?? gave flowers to you". The 'Question' terms below simplify common general questions and do not require the '??' Articulation spoke (although it could be added for emphasis).

Simple Talk


(no elements)

Relative Both

#0000 - yes or no (or true or false) depending on the plug #0100 - physical
#0200 - mental
#0300 - social
#0400 - bad #0500 -  hurt #0600 - sad #0700 - lonely
#0800 - good #0900 - tingly
#0A00 - happy #0B00 - loved
Both #0C00 - average
#0D00 - numb
(no feeling)
#0E00 - complacent
#0F00 - undecided



Format Relative Both

#1000 - look out!
#1100 - stop!
#1200 - duck!
#1300 - careful!
Value #1400 - better! #1500 - worse!
#1600 - same! #1700 - unknown!
Sensation #1800 - pleasant!
#1900 - painful! #1A00 - creepy! #1B00 - nothing!
Both #1C00 - correct!
#1D00 - wrong!
#1E00 - possible!
#1F00 - nonsense!

Animal Noise


Format Relative Both

#2000 - dog noise
#2100 - cat noise #2200 - rooster noise #2300 - goat noise
Value #2400 - pig noise #2500 - wild bird noise #2600 - chicken noise #2700 - sheep noise
Sensation #2800 - livestock noise #2900 - vermin noise #2A00 - duck noise #2B00 - horse noise
Both #2C00 - insect noise #2D00 - cetacean noise #2E00 - goose noise #2F00 - large predator noise



Format Relative Both

#3000 - what? #3100 - how much? #3200 - who? #3300 - why? 
Value #3400 - where? #3500 - how long? #3600 - with whom? #3700 - what direction?
Sensation #3800 - when? #3900 - how fast?  #3A00 - are you kidding? #3B00 - do you agree?
Both #3C00 - how? #3D00 - how far? #3E00 - do you understand? #3F00 - will you cooperate?

The second table has the Dimension Type. This table contains terms related to non-verbal cues in common social interactions. When speaking face to face, 'Emotion', 'Insults' and 'Compliments' are often conveyed by tone of voice or body language. Since Instrumentation is designed to be used by people who can't see or hear each other, emotional content must be made explicit. 

The 'Emotion' glyph would usually come at the beginning of a sentence or conversational phrase (to 'set the stage'), although 'sarcasm' and 'humor' might come at the end for greater comic impact and 'ellipsis' goes where it is needed. 'Emotions' can also be used with the Articulation spokes, #C54C00 (my doubt) would be translated as "self doubt" or "self depreciation".

The 'Insults' and 'Compliments' occur in pairs, so 'useful' (#6000) can be considered a complement to 'useless' (#5000) as well as a compliment.

The elements of the 'Handy Stuff' sub-table are defined just below the table itself.

Small Talk


(no elements)

Relative Both

#4000 - sarcasm
#4100 - ellipsis #4200 - sympathy #4300 - humor
#4400 - confusion #4500 - formal #4600 - appreciation #4700 - encouragement
#4800 - laughter #4900 - anger #4A00 - love #4B00 - shock
Both #4C00 - doubt #4D00 - emphatic #4E00 - sorrow #4F00 - epiphany



Format Relative Both

#5000 - useless #5100 - stupid
#5200 - weak
#5300 - hateful
Value #5400 - foolish
#5500 - dense
#5600 - slow #5700 - selfish
Sensation #5800 - lying #5900 - confusing #5A00 - sloppy
#5B00 - dull
Both #5C00 - crude #5D00 - crass
#5E00 - awkward #5F00 - repulsive



Format Relative Both

#6000 - useful #6100 - smart #6200 -  strong #6300 - loving
Value #6400 - wise
#6500 - clever
#6600 - quick #6700 - giving
Sensation #6800 -  truthful #6900 - intuitive
#6A00 - precise #6B00 - exciting
Both #6C00 - refined #6D00 - subtle
#6E00 - graceful #6F00 - attractive

Handy Stuff


Format Relative Both

#7000 - next glyph is a single 33 bit signed integer #7100 - next glyph is the count of public key glyphs #7200 - next two glyphs are a GPC #7300 - this message is continued in the next transmission.
Value #7400 - next glyph is a signed 33 bit integer (binary) exponent #7500 - next glyph is the count of encrypted glyphs #7600 - next glyph is a link #7700 - next glyph is the major predicate of this sentence
Sensation #7800 - next 1+N glyphs are array dimensions (N) and their extents #7900 - next glyph is the count of function parameter glyphs #7A00 - next glyph is a function #7B00 - next two glyphs are the format and count of non-glyphic bytes
Both #7C00 - next glyph is the count of glyphs in a floating point number. 'negative zero' is the hexadecimal1 point #7D00 - Glyph Version, Revision, Modification number #7E00 - next glyph is the count of Unicode glyphs #7F00 - next glyph is the index of an active term (changeable data) 

The 'Handy Stuff' sub-table (above) contains meta-data terms which defines the number, purpose or structure of the following glyphs or bytes in a sentence, equation or program invocation.

In some cases, such as an encrypted message, the count of glyphs would be automatically supplied by the system when the message was created. In most cases, these glyphs would be interpreted by the system (not by the user) when an incoming message was received.

Eventually, there will be a switch in the User Interface area that will determine whether a term is a function by default (for creating programs). In this case you would specify #-7A00 (the negative value) to make the function into a passive term. This would also apply to links.

#7100 - The 'private key' is not specified here because it should never be sent as a message. The private key should only be used by the user for encrypting outgoing messages or decrypting incoming messages. If possible it should not be recorded or written down.

#7600/7A00 - If a glyph is not marked as a link or a function, it is considered to be the name of the link or function. A term cannot be marked as a link or a function unless it is documented as such.

#7700 - The major predicate need not be marked if it is obvious. Unfortunately, there is no absolute standard of obviousness. This term can also be used to indicate that a Specialized term is being used as a predicate (appendectomy could be a specialized predicate).

#7900 - The function parameter count is not needed if a function does not have a variable number of parameters.

#7B00 - 'Non-glyphic bytes' would be data such as images, sound or text that are attached to a glyphic message.

#7D00 - The GVRM is the Instrumentation vocabulary version number. Instrumentation applications use this to detect the error, "Message not version GVRM000?00".

#7E00 - Unicode can be used to embed foreign proper names (or even sounds, using the "International Phonetic Alphabet"). These would tend to be a part of a sentence rather than the separate document that the 'Non-glyphic bytes' provides.

#7F00 - This is a pointer to a term. It is used to send a reference to data that might change. Otherwise you could only send a copy of data that might become outdated. This term should only be used when both users have access to the same active data store.

The third table has the Action Type. This table contains the "Dog Verbs". These are used for emphatic or very simple communications (such as with a small child, with someone unfamiliar with Instrumentation or with a trained animal). The Near Future Dog Verbs are often imperative terms.

The Dog Verbs explicitly provide the near future, near past, far future and far past tenses. They tend to be used as 'singular direct other or self' person (you and I), but they can be used with any of the unspecified persons. If a verb suffix is added to increase clarity it should match the near/far and future/past Dog Verb root tense (unless time travel is involved), but the once/many tense can be altered as needed.

Dog Verbs

Near Future (many)

(no elements)

Relative Both

#8000 - now be
#8100 - now do #8200 - now come
#8300 - now go
#8400 - now perceive
#8500 - now make
#8600 - now give
#8700 - now take
#8800 - now experience #8900 - now express
#8A00 - now get
#8B00 - now put
Both #8C00 - now allow
#8D00 - now keep
#8E00 - now send
#8F00 - now push

Near Past (many)


Format Relative Both

#9000 - still being
#9100 - still doing
#9200 - still coming
#9300 - still going
Value #9400 - still perceiving
#9500 - still making
#9600 - still giving
#9700 - still taking
Sensation #9800 - still experiencing
#9900 - still expressing
#9A00 - still getting
#9B00 - still putting
Both #9C00 -still allowing #9D00 - still keeping
#9E00 - still sending
#9F00 - still pushing

Far Future (many)


Format Relative Both

#A000 - be
#A100 - do
#A200 - come
#A300 - go
Value #A400 - perceive #A500 - make
#A600 - give
#A700 - take
Sensation #A800 - experience #A900 - express #AA00 - get
#AB00 - put
Both #AC00 - allow #AD00 - keep
#AE00 - send
#AF00 - push

Far Past (many)


Format Relative Both

#B000 - was #B100 - did
#B200 - came
#B300 - went
Value #B400 - perceived #B500 - made #B600 - gave #B700 - took
Sensation #B800 - experienced
#B900 - expressed #BA00 - got #BB00 - put
Both #BC00 - allowed
#BD00 - kept
#BE00 - sent
#BF00 - pushed

The fourth table has the Dimension and Action Types. This table contains terms related to indirection, abbreviation and use of other spaces. This table is entirely active so all names and addresses must be provided by the user.

The first two banks contain Personal Vocabulary terms. Since Instrumentation is an automated language, the appliance will take care of substituting the correct term. You only need to worry about using the 'right' Personal Vocabulary when reading an incoming message. The 'back pointers' will contain a reference to the source of the data. A back pointer could be transmitted to synchronize Personal Vocabularies at the beginning of a message, but I haven't really worked out the required protocols.

The "Source Personal Data Tables" (in the Specialization layer) will contain titles in their #[0-F]0 locations to facilitate selection. The title would be something such as: "model railroad club", "work", "!Shiva! device", "Thursday night games", "Friday night shenanigans", "family" and, of course, "Current Romantic Entanglement".

The next (Special Layer) sub-table contains pointers to oft used blocks or single terms in the Specialization layer for quicker reference. Pointing to the #00 term (the index term) in a Specialized block points to the entire block. Use of a "Special Layer Pointer" that points to an entire block will "lock-in" that block and must be unplugged before other terms can be entered.

A "Special Layer Pointer" would be replaced by the term to which it points in a created message. This would guarantee that the person receiving the message would get the proper reference. "Special Layer Pointers" are personal abbreviations that reduce eight syllable Specialized terms to two syllable Hypodescriptive terms as an aid to memory and data entry speed.

The final (External Data) sub-table contains pointers to external data spaces using URIs such as file names, 'foreign keys' or other resources. The actual structure of these pointers in a created message is currently undefined.

All four of these banks can be individually downloaded from or uploaded to personal, shared or public data stores (dependent on your access authorization for that data store). This will simplify the creation of private and commercial term lists for specific purposes. I'm sure your local model railroad club has a rich and varied lexicon that seldom sees the florescent light of your local office environment.


Personal Vocab #1

(no elements)

Relative Both

#C000 - back pointer #1
#C100 - #C200 - #C300 -
#C400 -
#C500 - #C600 - #C700 -
#C800 - #C900 -
#CA00 - #CB00 -
Both #CC00 - #CD00 - #CE00 - #CF00 -

Personal Vocab #2


Format Relative Both

#D000 - back pointer #2 #D100 -
#D200 - #D300 -
Value #D400 - #D500 -
#D600 - #D700 -
Sensation #D800 - #D900 - #DA00 - #DB00 -
Both #DC00 - #DD00 -
#DE00 -
#DF00 -

Special Layer Pointers


Format Relative Both

#E000 -
#E100 - #E200 - #E300 -
Value #E400 - #E500 - #E600 - #E700 -
Sensation #E800 -
#E900 - #EA00 - #EB00 -
Both #EC00 - #ED00 - #EE00 - #EF00 -

External Data


Format Relative Both

#F000 - #F100 - #F200 - #F300 -
Value #F400 - #F500 - #F600 -
#F700 -
Sensation #F800 - #F900 -
#FA00 -
#FB00 -
Both #FC00 - #FD00 - #FE00 -
#FF00 -


#1 - A 'hexadecimal point' is like 'decimal point', but for the base sixteen (hexadecimal) numbering system. It separates the numbers that are larger than one from the numbers that are smaller than one. It may be represented by a period or a comma depending on the local notational conventions. Within Instrumentation, the hexadecimal point is represented by the 'negative zero' (#-0). I would have preferred "hedeximal point", but somebody (with no poetry in their soul) had already coined the word.

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